Below The Radar of Consciousness ... Lies GOLD

Every day, there are things that occur that people can’t explain.


Things that are there but people can’t see.


Sounds that were never made, but your brain tricks you into thinking they were spoken.


If you have studied NLP for a while, perhaps you have noticed that the techniques are the least important part of NLP.


Honestly, I can’t remember the last time I reached for an NLP technique to make a change.


Why? Because I've discovered a more potent ally. A primordial pattern that operates below the radar of human consciousness, which renders your NLP virtually invisible.


Even to people who have studied NLP for decades.


Once you understand, and more importantly, experience this too, you will have one of the most important keys to changing yourself and using NLP really well in everyday contexts – at home, at work and in your interpersonal relationships.


Before I reveal what this distinction is, let me back up a little…


Everyone you interact with (including yourself) is subject to this mental hack too.


Every doubt, fear, hesitation you have had, has had this process operating without you ever noticing it was there.


This distinction applies to EVERY application of NLP you can imagine – from persuasion to teaching, to leading others, to making much more money.


You name it; this idea is one of those remarkable distinctions that, when you get it and know how to use it, makes you infinitely more capable of achieving just about any outcome you want.


The distinction is this:


Our brains are masters of manipulating our perceptions – of creating and validating any reality we want.


That may seem strange and counter-intuitive, but the more you think about it, and observe others, the more you will discover its truth.


You see, your brain is secretly hacking you every moment you are alive. The bulk of the reality you and I experience isn’t out there; it is created in real time, by our minds.


And if you are like most people, you don’t realize it. You can’t see it. You don’t sense it because the mechanism that keeps you convinced 'life is' or 'people are' a certain way is always multiple steps ahead.


I spent decades sleepwalking through life until I noticed this and learned how to change it.


Good News: If you don’t like your current ‘reality,’ then you can change it quickly when you practice one simple thing.


The idea that there is a process that precedes beliefs, values and meta programmes, at first, may seem unusual, but it’s been pointed to within the presuppositions of NLP since the beginning.


“People don’t interact with the world directly. We interact with the world through our maps and models."


So, what are the components that determine what gets coded onto our maps or model of the world ... how did they get there?


And is there a better way to change them?

Yes... You can learn about here.

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I'm Tom.

Everyone has something they’d like to change in their life. I’m here to help you transform the behaviours that get in your way so you can have the life you really want.

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